べき (beki da)


  1. should
  2. must
  3. that one ought to

All JLPT 3 grammar : 可き(べき, beki da), should; must; that one ought to; to be done, [Auxiliary]

Usually written using kana alone


そんな不当な提案は、拒否すべきだったのに。You should have refused such an unfair proposal.
項目が増えたり減ったりする表示なら、Accessでなくて表計算ソフトを活用すべきだと思います。For a display where the data items increase and decrease I think you are best making use of a spreadsheet program, not Access.
男女関係なく、行くべきでしょうね。They should go, regardless of whether they’re men or women.
学問は強いられるべきではない。学問は奨励されるべきだ。Learning should not be forced. Learning should be encouraged.


拒否kyohirefusal; rejection; denial; veto
不当futouinjustice, impropriety, unfair
anidea, plan, thought
提案teianproposal, suggestion
表示hyoujiindication; expression; showing; manifestation; demonstration; display; displaying
項目koumokuitem; heading; category; clause; headword
活用katsuyoupractical use
計算keisancalculation, reckoning
するsuruto do
kakaricharge; duty; person in charge; official; clerk
男女danjomen and women, both genders
関係kankeirelation, relationship, connection
行くikuto go
奨励shoureiencouragement, promotion
gakulearning, scholarship
学問gakumonlearning, study
強いtsuyoistrong, powerful


フ,ブnegative, non-
いな, いやnegate, no, decline
トウあ.たる, あ.たり, あ.てるhit, right, appropriate
ケイはか.る, はか.らうplot, plan
モク,ボクめ, -め, ま-eye, look
おも.う, おもえら.く, おぼ.すthink
ヨウもち.いるutilize, use
ヒョウおもて, -おもて, あらわ.すsurface, chart
ジ,シしめ.すshow, indicate, display
カツい.きる, い.かす, い.けるlively, living
ゾウま.す, ま.し, ふ.えるincrease, gain
ダン,ナンおとこ, おmale
ジョ,ニョ,ニョウおんな, めwoman, female
コウ,ギョウ,アンい.く, ゆ.く, -ゆ.きgoing, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank
カンせき, -ぜき, かか.わるconnection, involve
ケイかか.る, かかり, -がかりperson in charge, connection
ガクまな.ぶstudy, learning, science
キョウ,ゴウつよ.い, つよ.まる, つよ.めるstrong
モンと.う, と.い, とんquestion, ask


* indicates required