ikki ni
- in one go
- in one gulp
- in one breath
- without stopping
- without pausing
- without resting
- in one sitting
- at a stretch
- all at once
Study memo
Learn all JLPT N2 Vocabulary – 一気に (ikki ni), in one go, in one gulp, in one breath, without stopping, without pausing, without resting, in one sitting, at a stretch, all at once
Here is a list of examples based on the word 一気に
日本語 | 英語 |
彼は一気に手紙を書いた。 | He dashed off a letter. |
彼は一気に10時間働いた。 | He worked ten hours at a stretch. |
車は一気にスピードを上げてトラックを追い越した。 | The car put on a burst of speed and passed the truck. |
私の成績は一気にクラス最下位まで転落してしまっていた。 | My grades had dived to the bottom of the class. |