修業 – JLPT N2 Vocabulary JLPT - All vocabulary list JLPT N2 JLPT N2 - All vocabulary listJLPT - All vocabulary list修業 (shuugyou), pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, completing a course. Learn how to read and use this word in Japanese.ContentsReadingMeaningExampleReading修業shuugyouMeaningpursuit of knowledgestudyinglearningtrainingcompleting a courseStudy memoLearn all JLPT N2 Vocabulary – 修業 (shuugyou), pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, completing a courseSee all JLPT N2 VocabularyExampleHere is a list of examples based on the word 修業日本語英語只今、僕は旅立ちの日に向けて修業中です。Right now I’m training in preparation for the day we set off.