- to fit, to match, to suit
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Learn all JLPT N4 Vocabulary – 合う (au), to fit, to match, to suit
Here is a list of examples based on the word 合う
日本語 | 英語 |
彼女と付き合うきっかけになったのは、なんとなくフィーリングが合ったからだ。 | I got together with her mainly because we seemed to share the same feelings about things. |
こんなひどい目に合うよりまだしも死んだほうがよい。 | I would rather die than have such a terrible experience. |
君と話し合う時間がもっとあればいいのに。 | I wish I had the time to stay and talk with you. |
だからお互いに助け合う必要があったので、そういう意味では妹との絆は強かった。 | Therefore we had to help each other and in that way the bonds between me and my sister were strong. |
噛み合う犬は呼び難し。 | You can’t call dogs off from a fight. |
中日間は本当にお互いを知り合うところまでは到達していない。 | The point of true mutual understanding has not yet been reached between Japan and China. |
明日彼とその事を話し合うことになっている。 | I am to talk over the matter with him tomorrow. |