large, big
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Learn all JLPT N5 Kanji – 大 (ダイ,タイ, おお-,おお.きい,-おお.いに), large, big

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Here is a list of words based on the kanji 大
言葉 | 読み方 | 意味 | JLPT |
膨大 | boudai | huge; vast; enormous; colossal; extensive; large; swelling; expansion | N2 |
大学院 | daigakuin | graduate school | N2 |
大学祭 | daigakusai | university festival; rag day | N2 |
大通り | oodoori | main street | N2 |
大げさ | oogesa | grandiose; exaggerated | N2 |
大声 | oogoe | loud voice | N2 |
大幅 | oohaba | big; large; drastic; substantial | N2 |
大手 | oote | major company; big company | N2 |
大人しい | otonashii | obedient; docile; quiet | N2 |
最大 | saidai | biggest; greatest; largest; maximum | N2 |
多大 | tadai | great | N2 |
大別 | taibetsu | general classification; broad categorization | N2 |
大敵 | taiteki | great rival; powerful enemy; archenemy | N2 |
増大 | zoudai | enlargement; increase | N2 |
大胆 | daitan | bold, daring, audacious | N1 |
大幅 | oohaba | big, large, substantial | N1 |
大衆 | taishuu | general public, the masses | N1 |
莫大 | bakudai | enormous, vast | N3 |
大部分 | daibubun | most part, majority | N3 |
大臣 | daijin | cabinet minister | N3 |
大成功 | daiseikou | huge success | N3 |
大小 | daishou | sizes | N3 |
大都会 | daitokai | metropolis, big city | N3 |
大統領 | daitouryou | president, chief executive | N3 |
偉大 | idai | greatness | N3 |
重大 | juudai | serious, important | N3 |
拡大 | kakudai | magnification | N3 |
巨大 | kyodai | huge, gigantic | N3 |
大雨 | ooame | heavy rain | N3 |
大型 | oogata | large, larged-size | N3 |
大いに | ooi ni | very, much, greatly | N3 |
大家 | ooya | landlord, landlady | N3 |
大雪 | ooyuki | heavy snow | N3 |
大半 | taihan | majority, more than half | N3 |
大会 | taikai | convention, tournament | N3 |
大気 | taiki | atmosphere | N3 |
大陸 | tairiku | continent | N3 |
大量 | tairyou | large quantity, mass | N3 |
大戦 | taisen | great war, great battle | N3 |
大使 | taishi | ambassador | N3 |
大した | taishita | considerable, great | N3 |
大抵 | taitei | mostly, usually | N3 |
大分 | daibu | considerably, greatly | N4 |
大学生 | daigakusei | university student | N4 |
大事 | daiji | important, serious, crucial | N4 |
大体 | daitai | general, substantially | N4 |
大抵 | taitei | mostly, ordinarily | N4 |
大学 | daigaku | university | N5 |
大丈夫 | daijoubu | safe, all right, okay | N5 |
大きい | ookii | big, large, great | N5 |
大勢 | oozei | many, crowd, great number of people | N5 |
大人 | otona | adult | N5 |
大変 | taihen | very, greatly, immense | N5 |
大切 | taisetsu | important, necessary | N5 |
大使館 | taishikan | embassy | N5 |