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Learn all JLPT N4 Kanji – 思 (シ, おも.う,おもえら.く,おぼ.す), think

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Here is a list of words based on the kanji 思
言葉 | 読み方 | 意味 | JLPT |
思いがけない | omoigakenai | unexpected; contrary to expectations; by chance; casual | N2 |
思い返す | omoikaesu | to re-think; to think back upon; to change one’;s mind | N2 |
思い切り | omoikiri | with all one’;s strength; with all one’;s heart; to the utmost; resolution; decisiveness | N2 |
思い込み | omoikomi | wrong impression; subjective impression; assumption; prejudice | N2 |
思い立つ | omoitatsu | to set one’;s mind on doing; to get the idea of doing; to make up one’;s mind | N2 |
思いつき | omoitsuki | plan; idea; suggestion | N2 |
思いつく | omoitsuku | to think of; to hit upon; to come into one’;s mind; to be struck with an idea; to remember; to recall | N2 |
思い浮かぶ | omoiukabu | to occur to; to remind of; to come to mind | N2 |
思考 | shikou | thought; consideration; thinking | N2 |
思考力 | shikouryoku | ability to think | N2 |
思考 | shikou | thought, consideration, thinking | N1 |
不思議 | fushigi | wonder, miracle, strange | N3 |
意思 | ishi | intention, purpose | N3 |
思い出 | omoide | memories | N3 |
思わず | omowazu | unintentionally | N3 |
思想 | shisou | thought, idea | N3 |
思い出す | omoidasu | to recall, to remember | N4 |
思う | omou | to think, to consider | N4 |