idea, mind
Study memo
Learn all JLPT N4 Kanji – 意 (イ, ), idea, mind

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Here is a list of words based on the kanji 意
言葉 | 読み方 | 意味 | JLPT |
悪意 | akui | ill will; spite; evil intention; malice; bad meaning | N2 |
注意点 | chuuiten | important point; point to make note of | N2 |
注意深い | chuuibukai | careful | N2 |
意外性 | igaisei | unpredictability; element of surprise | N2 |
意義 | igi | meaning; significance | N2 |
意地悪 | ijiwaru | malicious; ill-tempered; unkind | N2 |
意図 | ito | intention; aim; design | N2 |
意欲 | iyoku | will; desire; ambition; urge | N2 |
無意識 | muishiki | unconsciousness; unconscious; involuntary; automatic; mechanical; unintentional; spontaneous | N2 |
有意義 | yuuigi | significant; useful; meaningful; worthwhile; valuable; of interest | N2 |
意図 | ito | intention, aim, design | N1 |
意欲 | iyoku | will, desire, ambition | N1 |
決意 | ketsui | decision, determination | N1 |
好意 | koui | good will, favor, courtesy | N1 |
熱意 | netsui | zeal, enthusiasm | N1 |
意外 | igai | unexpected, surprising | N3 |
意思 | ishi | intention, purpose | N3 |
意志 | ishi | will, volition | N3 |
意識 | ishiki | consciousness | N3 |
敬意 | keii | respect, honor | N3 |
得意 | tokui | one’s strong point, frequent customer | N3 |
注意 | chuui | caution, being careful | N4 |
意見 | iken | opinion, view, comment | N4 |
用意 | youi | preparation, arrangements | N4 |
意味 | imi | meaning, significance | N5 |