turn into, grow
Study memo
Learn all JLPT N3 Kanji – 成 (セイ,ジョウ, な.る,な.す,-な.す), turn into, grow

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Here is a list of words based on the kanji 成
言葉 | 読み方 | 意味 | JLPT |
育成 | ikusei | rearing; training; nurture; cultivation; promotion | N2 |
成り立つ | naritatsu | to consist of; to be made up of; to be composed of; to be concluded | N2 |
成し遂げる | nashitogeru | to accomplish; to finish; to fulfill | N2 |
作成 | sakusei | drawing up | N2 |
成分 | seibun | ingredient; component; composition | N2 |
成立 | seiritsu | formation; establishment; materialization; coming into existence; conclusion | N2 |
達成 | tassei | achievement; attainment; accomplishment; realization | N2 |
達成感 | tasseikan | sense of accomplishment | N2 |
養成 | yousei | training; education; development; cultivation | N2 |
合成 | gousei | composition, synthesis | N1 |
形成 | keisei | formation, molding, taking form | N1 |
成熟 | seijuku | maturity, ripeness | N1 |
成果 | seika | fruits | N1 |
達成 | tassei | achievement | N1 |
大成功 | daiseikou | huge success | N3 |
完成 | kansei | complete, completion | N3 |
構成 | kousei | organization, composition | N3 |
賛成 | sansei | approval, agreement | N3 |
成長 | seichou | growth, grow to adulthood | N3 |
成人 | seijin | adult | N3 |
成功 | seikou | success, hit | N3 |
成績 | seiseki | results, grade | N3 |