採用 – JLPT N1 Vocabulary JLPT - All vocabulary list JLPT N1 JLPT N1 - All vocabulary listJLPT - All vocabulary list採用 (saiyou), use, adoption, acceptance. Learn how to read and use this word in Japanese.ContentsReadingMeaningExampleReading採用saiyouMeaninguseadoptionacceptanceStudy memoLearn all JLPT N1 Vocabulary – 採用 (saiyou), use, adoption, acceptanceSee all JLPT N1 VocabularyExampleHere is a list of examples based on the word 採用日本語英語せっかく採用した派遣社員がすぐに辞めてしまった。The temporary workers that we managed to employ left work right away.