bright, light
Study memo
Learn all JLPT N4 Kanji – 明 (メイ,ミョウ,ミン, あ.かり,あか.るい,あか.るむ,あか.らむ,あき.らか,あ.ける,-あ.け,あ.く,あ.くる,あ.かす), bright, light

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Here is a list of words based on the kanji 明
言葉 | 読み方 | 意味 | JLPT |
不明 | fumei | unclear; obscure; indistinct; uncertain; ambiguous; unknown; unidentified | N2 |
不明瞭 | fumeiryou | dimness; obscurity; indistinctness; unclear; unintelligible | N2 |
休暇明け | kyuukaake | post-vacation | N2 |
明示 | meiji | elucidation; explicit statement; specification | N2 |
明確 | meikaku | clear; precise; definite; distinct | N2 |
明瞭 | meiryou | clear; plain; distinct; obvious; evident; articulate | N2 |
鮮明 | senmei | vivid; clear; distinct | N2 |
照明 | shoumei | illumination; lighting | N2 |
単純明快 | tanjunmeikai | simple and clear; plain and simple | N2 |
透明 | toumei | transparent; clear | N2 |
打ち明ける | uchiakeru | to confide; to reveal; to disclose; to lay bare; to speak frankly; to open | N2 |
弁明 | benmei | explanation, excuse | N1 |
明白 | meihaku | obvious, clear, plain | N1 |
明瞭 | meiryou | clarity, clearness | N1 |
照明 | shoumei | illumination, lighting | N1 |
打ち明ける | uchiakeru | to confide, to reveal | N1 |
明かり | akari | light, illumination, glow | N3 |
明ける | akeru | to dawn, to end | N3 |
明らか | akiraka | obvious, evident, clear | N3 |
文明 | bunmei | civilization | N3 |
発明 | hatsumei | invention | N3 |
明確 | meikaku | clear, precise | N3 |
説明会 | setsumeikai | information session, briefing | N3 |
証明 | shoumei | proof, verification | N3 |
夜明け | yoake | dawn, daybreak | N3 |
説明 | setsumei | explanation, exposition | N4 |
明るい | akarui | bright, colorful | N5 |
明後日 | asatte | day after tomorrow | N5 |
明日 | ashita | tomorrow | N5 |