- pattern, design
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Learn all JLPT N3 Vocabulary – 柄 (gara), pattern, design
Here is a list of examples based on the word 柄
日本語 | 英語 |
また、親しい間柄であることから、暴力の被害を受けやすく、その被害を訴えにくいという実態がある。 | Also as they are in an intimate relationship they are in a situation where it is easy for them to suffer from violence and difficult for them to bring complaints about that to court. |
普通科目の他に機械についての基礎的な事柄を学習し、各種の機械の使用法や技術を身につける実習などを行います。 | In addition to the general curriculum there are tutorials in the essentials of machinery, training is also carried out for skills in and learning how to use the various types of machinery. |
彼女は太っているとはいえないまでも大柄な人だ。 | She is large, not to say fat. |
正直なところ、その当時の僕は血縁がどうとか、続柄がどうとか、そういう話はまるで理解出来ちゃいなかった。 | Truthfully, at that time, I didn’t have the first idea about such talk: family links, blood relations or whatever. |