thing, object
Study memo
Learn all JLPT N4 Kanji – 物 (ブツ,モツ, もの,もの-), thing, object
Here is a list of words based on the kanji 物
言葉 | 読み方 | 意味 | JLPT |
物資 | busshi | goods; materials; commodities; resources; supplies | N2 |
印刷物 | insatsubutsu | printed matter | N2 |
事物 | jibutsu | things; affairs | N2 |
人工物 | jinkoubutsu | artificial object; man-made object; artifact; artefact | N2 |
傷物 | kizumono | defective article; damaged goods | N2 |
小物 | komono | accessories; small articles | N2 |
名物 | meibutsu | famous product; special product; speciality; specialty | N2 |
物真似 | monomane | mimicry; imitation | N2 |
物足りない | monotarinai | unsatisfied; unsatisfactory; insufficient | N2 |
偽物 | nisemono | spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham | N2 |
農作物 | nousakubutsu | crops; agricultural produce | N2 |
物価 | bukka | prices of commodities | N3 |
物質 | busshitsu | material, substance | N3 |
物理 | butsuri | physics | N3 |
博物館 | hakubutsukan | museum | N3 |
本物 | honmono | genuine article | N3 |
生き物 | ikimono | living thing, animal | N3 |
人物 | jinbutsu | person, character, figure | N3 |
穀物 | kokumotsu | grain, cereal | N3 |
好物 | koubutsu | favourite food | N3 |
持ち物 | mochimono | personal effects, one’;s belongings | N3 |
物語 | monogatari | tale, story | N3 |
物事 | monogoto | things, everything | N3 |
物音 | monooto | sounds | N3 |
作物 | sakumotsu | produce, crops | N3 |
生物 | seibutsu | living things | N3 |
調べ物 | shirabemono | matter to be checked or investigated | N3 |
植物 | shokubutsu | plant, vegetation | N3 |
食物 | shokumotsu | food, foodstuff | N3 |
書物 | shomotsu | books | N3 |
動物園 | doubutsuen | zoo | N4 |
見物 | kenbutsu | sightseeing, watching | N4 |
乗り物 | norimono | vehicle, conveyance | N4 |
贈り物 | okurimono | present, gift | N4 |
品物 | shinamono | goods, article, thing | N4 |
忘れ物 | wasuremono | something forgotten | N4 |
動物 | doubutsu | animal | N5 |
買物 | kaimono | shopping | N5 |
果物 | kudamono | fruit | N5 |
荷物 | nimotsu | luggage, baggage | N5 |
飲物 | nomimono | drink, beverage | N5 |
食べ物 | tabemono | food | N5 |
建物 | tatemono | building | N5 |