straightaway, repair
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Learn all JLPT N3 Kanji – 直 (チョク,ジキ,ジカ, ただ.ちに,なお.す,-なお.す,なお.る,なお.き,す.ぐ), straightaway, repair

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Here is a list of words based on the kanji 直
言葉 | 読み方 | 意味 | JLPT |
直結 | chokketsu | direct connection; direct link | N2 |
直後 | chokugo | immediately following | N2 |
直立 | chokuritsu | standing upright; standing straight | N2 |
直前 | chokuzen | just before | N2 |
見直す | minaosu | to look at again; to re-examine; to get a better opinion of; to see in a more positive light | N2 |
率直 | socchoku | frank; candid; straightforward; openhearted; direct; outspoken | N2 |
垂直 | suichoku | vertical | N2 |
素直 | sunao | obedient; meek; docile; unaffected; honest; frank; upfront | N2 |
直感 | chokkan | intuition, instinct, hunch | N1 |
直面 | chokumen | confrontation, to face | N1 |
直接 | chokusetsu | direct, immediate | N3 |
直に | jika ni | directly, in person | N3 |
書き直す | kakinaosu | to write out, to rewrite | N3 |
仲直り | nakanaori | reconciliation, make peace with | N3 |
直 | nao | straight, ordinary, common | N3 |
正直 | shoujiki | honesty, integrity | N3 |
直ちに | tadachi ni | at once, immediately | N3 |
立て直す | tatenaosu | to restore, to revive | N3 |
やり直す | yarinaosu | to do over again, to redo | N3 |
直る | naoru | to get mended | N4 |
直す | naosu | to fix, to repair | N4 |