stand up
Study memo
Learn all JLPT N4 Kanji – 立 (リツ,リュウ,リットル, た.つ,-た.つ,た.ち-,た.てる,-た.てる,た.て-,たて-,-た.て,-だ.て,-だ.てる), stand up
Here is a list of words based on the kanji 立
言葉 | 読み方 | 意味 | JLPT |
直立 | chokuritsu | standing upright; standing straight | N2 |
腹を立てる | hara o tateru | to take offense; to take offence; to get angry; to lose one’;s temper | N2 |
孤立 | koritsu | isolation; being alone; being friendless | N2 |
公立 | kouritsu | public | N2 |
目立つ | medatsu | to be conspicuous; to stand out | N2 |
成り立つ | naritatsu | to consist of; to be made up of; to be composed of; to be concluded | N2 |
思い立つ | omoitatsu | to set one’;s mind on doing; to get the idea of doing; to make up one’;s mind | N2 |
立食 | risshoku | stand-up meal; buffet | N2 |
成立 | seiritsu | formation; establishment; materialization; coming into existence; conclusion | N2 |
創立 | souritsu | establishment; founding; organization; organisation | N2 |
立ち止まる | tachidomaru | to stop | N2 |
対立 | tairitsu | suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate | N2 |
立て替える | tatekaeru | to pay for another; to pay someone else’;s debt as a loan to him; to make temporary payment on a person’;s behalf | N2 |
設立 | setsuritsu | establishment, founding | N1 |
独立 | dokuritsu | independence | N3 |
組み立てる | kumitateru | to assemble, to set up | N3 |
立派 | rippa | splendid, fine | N3 |
立場 | tachiba | standpoint, position | N3 |
立上る | tachiagaru | to stand up | N3 |
立て直す | tatenaosu | to restore, to revive | N3 |
役立つ | yakudatsu | to be useful, to be helpful | N3 |
立てる | tateru | to stand up | N4 |
役に立つ | yaku ni tatsu | to be helpful, to be useful | N4 |
立つ | tatsu | to stand, to rise | N5 |