- height, stature
Study memo
Learn all JLPT N5 Vocabulary – 背 (se), height, stature
Here is a list of examples based on the word 背
日本語 | 英語 |
そう言えば、鯔背な男だった記憶が有るがどうしてるんだろな? | Now that you mention it, I remember he was a dashing man. I wonder how he’s doing? |
椎間板ヘルニアは背骨の間にある椎間板という軟骨が飛び出すものです。 | Disk herniation is when cartilage, called ‘intervertebral disk’ and found between each vertebra, slips out. |
彼はくたくたの背広を着ていた。 | He was wearing a threadbare suit. |
恵子は私ほど背が高くない。 | Keiko isn’t as tall as I. |
こういう流れになると結局、どんぐりの背比べになる。 | Once things start going this way, in the end they’ll all be much of a muchness. |
コートを探してます。背が低いので、丈は短めで、なるべくすっきりしたデザインのものを。 | I’m looking for a coat. I’m short so the length should be on the short side, and as refined a design as possible. |
彼は年齢の割には背が高い。 | He is a tall boy for his years. |