色々 – JLPT N5 Vocabulary JLPT - All vocabulary list JLPT N5 JLPT N5 - All vocabulary listJLPT - All vocabulary list色々 (iroiro), various. Learn how to read and use this word in Japanese.ContentsReadingMeaningExampleReading色々iroiroMeaningvariousStudy memoLearn all JLPT N5 Vocabulary – 色々 (iroiro), variousSee all JLPT N5 VocabularyExampleHere is a list of examples based on the word 色々日本語英語・・・言いたいことは色々あるのだが、ここで口を挟むのは野暮というもの。There are things I’d like to say but to butt in now would be what they call uncouth.