試験 – JLPT N4 Vocabulary





    examination, exam, test
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Learn all JLPT N4 Vocabulary – 試験 (shiken), examination, exam, test


Here is a list of examples based on the word 試験

彼ならいざ知らず、私ではその試験には合格できっこない。For him it may be possible, but I’d never pass the test.
試験結果発表もつつがなく終わって、当面の視点が自然と夏休みに集まってくるでしょ?The publication of the exam results over without incident, for the time being attention is naturally going to focus on the summer break, right?
もしあなたが試験でカンニングをやってもそれで何の咎めも受けずに済むと思っているなら、とんでもない話だ。If you think you can get away with cheating on the exam, you’ve got another thing coming.
机の上に寝かせて置くと転がって落ちることがあるので、試験管立てに立てておく。If you leave them lying on the desk they may roll off, so stand them in the test-tube rack.
5.反応が終わったら、濡れ雑巾の上に試験管をおく。5. When the reaction is over, place the test-tube on a damp cloth.
模擬試験に何回も失敗して、実際に受けてみたら思わぬ結果が出た。Having failed my mock examinations any number of times, when I actually tried taking it the result was nothing I’d imagined.


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