顔 – JLPT N4 Vocabulary




    face, look
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Learn all JLPT N4 Vocabulary – 顔 (kao), face, look


Here is a list of examples based on the word

彼の顔つきからすると今は機嫌が悪い。From the look on his face, he is in a bad mood now.
彼の顔は怖そうに見える反面、声は優しくおだやかだった。In contrast to his frightening looks, his voice was kind and calm.
彼らの顔つきからして、まあ失敗したのでしょう。From the way they look, I would say that they failed.
先日友達のところに立ち寄ったとき、玄関からは友達でなく、その旦那が顔を出した。The other day when I stopped by at a friend’s house, it wasn’t my friend that came out of the front door, but her husband.
顔はともかく、気立てはとてもいい。Looks aside, she is very good-natured.
彼の顔は泥まみれだった。His face was covered with mud.
もっと古典的な顔立ちなのかと思いきや、今の時代でも充分通用する美形です。I expected more classical features, but hers is a beauty that would do well even in this age.
ほお紅や口紅を差すだけで表情や笑顔がどんどん変わってくるんです。Expressions and smiles change like that just from applying rouge and lipstick.
明るい笑顔で2人は光り輝く未来を歩み始めたんだ。Smiling cheerfully, the two began to walk off into their brilliant future.
このような仕事で怖い顔をしたら、お客さんはいらっしゃらないでしょう。In this line of work, if you make a grim face the customers won’t come.
氷みたいに冷たい顔しないでくれよ。Don’t be cold as ice.
ちょっと顔を貸してくれませんか。Can I have a few words with you?
朝は洗顔はもちろん身だしなみを整えてからここに集まるんだ。Obviously wash your face, but you must also take care of your appearance before assembling here.
凉子さんがちんまりとした顔をしている。Ryoko has a cute little face.


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