刻む – JLPT N2 Vocabulary JLPT - All vocabulary list JLPT N2 JLPT N2 - All vocabulary listJLPT - All vocabulary list刻む (kizamu), to mince, to cut fine, to chop up, to hash, to shred, to carve, to engrave, to chisel, to notch. Learn how to read and use this word in Japanese.ContentsReadingMeaningReading刻むkizamuMeaningto minceto cut fineto chop upto hashto shredto carveto engraveto chiselto notchStudy memoLearn all JLPT N2 Vocabulary – 刻む (kizamu), to mince, to cut fine, to chop up, to hash, to shred, to carve, to engrave, to chisel, to notchSee all JLPT N2 Vocabulary