感じ – JLPT N3 Vocabulary





    feeling, sense
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Learn all JLPT N3 Vocabulary – 感じ (kanji), feeling, sense


Here is a list of examples based on the word 感じ

若い棋士が多少、尊大な感じになるのはよくあることで、そういうことは将棋界に限った話ではないでしょう。It often happens that young shogi players become a little self-important, but I don’t think that’s something limited to the shogi world.
高校時代からつきあっている彼氏はいるものの、つきあいが惰性になっていると感じ、不満をつのらせている。She has a boyfriend she’s been going out with since high school but feels their relationship has become a matter of habit and is increasingly dissatisfied.
似てくると言うよりは類友みたいな感じですね。Rather than coming to resemble each other, it feels like they are birds of a feather.
終わったあとも足が軽い感じがしました。I felt very light on my feet afterwards.
何か、全部、こじつけって感じがするんだけど・・・。Somehow, all those reasons sound rather far fetched.
労働は経済面の利益、つまり給料を選るのに必要なだけでなく、社会的及び心理的欲求、つまり、社会の利益のために何かをしているという感じを抱くためにも、必要なのである。Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of society.
空輸のおかげで食べ物に季節感を感じなくなったというお話です。It’s talking about how, thanks to air transport, we’ve lost the sense of ‘season’ for foodstuffs.
肌にシェーバーを滑らす度に確かに滑らか~な感じがします。It certainly feels smooth when you run the shaver over your skin.
私も、ほんとに久々に家庭でくつろいだ時間を過ごしたって感じ。I also really had the feeling of having had a relaxed day with my family for the first time in a long while.


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