味 – JLPT N4 Vocabulary




    flavor, taste
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Learn all JLPT N4 Vocabulary – 味 (aji), flavor, taste


Here is a list of examples based on the word

いくら器だけを日本一にしても、中身が三流やったらな~んの意味もないんちゃうの?The container may be the best in Japan, but if the contents are third class, then isn’t it completely meaningless?
彼はボディビルが趣味というだけあって体がガシッとしている。Bodybuilding is his hobby so he has a very firm tight body with lots of muscle definition.
あんたらの名前なんか興味ないね。どうせこの仕事が終わるとお別れだ。I don’t care what your names are. Once this job’s over, I’m out of here.
先輩は、嫌味なくらいの完璧超人でしたからね。だから逆にその「癖」は先輩の可愛げ・・・というか、チャームポイントでしたよ。You were always a perfect ‘superhuman’ to an infuriating extent, and so that ‘habit’ was actually one of your cute, or rather charming, attributes.
誰がどんな趣味だろうと君の知ったことか?Is it any of your business what someone’s hobby is?
ドルペッグの意味は、強い国につけということです。The meaning of the ‘dollar peg’ is “stick with the strong countries.”
野球への興味はわが国ではあらゆる階層、年齢にわたっている。Interest in baseball cuts across classes and ages in this country.
自分が集めた事実をもとにして、科学者は、その事実に意味と秩序と価値を与える論理の模様すなわち理論を織りあげるのである。Around his facts the scientist weaves a logical pattern or theory which gives the facts meaning, order, and significance.
こだわりはお客に伝わってこそ意味をなす。Care over the particulars only has meaning once it gets across to customers.
だからお互いに助け合う必要があったので、そういう意味では妹との絆は強かった。Therefore we had to help each other and in that way the bonds between me and my sister were strong.
お兄ちゃん、このお魚本当に美味しいの?黒鯛が極道に落ちて、全国指名手配されたみたいなお魚だよ?Hey, is this fish tasty for real? It looks like a black porgy who’d fallen in with mobsters and been put on the country’s most wanted list!?
味も濃厚で、炒め物、スープなど中華の料理に深みを与えます。It also has a strong flavour, and adds depth to Chinese food such as soups and stir-fries.
恋の味は苦いと言われている。It is said that the taste of love is bitter.
黒魔法の話を聞きたいです。学院ではさわりしか聞いたことがないんですが興味があります。I’d like to hear about black magic. I was only told the highlights in the academy, and it interests me.
僕的にはもっと地味ってか渋い服が欲しいんですけどね。For my tastes, I’d prefer plainer, or rather, more tasteful clothing.
味も日本に比べて遜色はありません。It is tastes every bit as good as Japanese rice.
多くの人間にとって三角関数を学ぶことは無意味であるように思える。I think that for many people learning the trigonometric functions is meaningless.
家では赤味がかった髪とそばかすのせいで、母が侮蔑を込めて「にんじん」と名付け、皆にもそう呼ばせています。At home, because of his reddish hair and freckles, his mother scornfully named him “carrot” and had everybody else call him that.
この電子辞書は携帯しやすいところが味噌です。The good thing about this electronic dictionary is that it’s easy to carry.
ついに、その共産主義者は手づよい味方を得た。The communist got his dependable supporter at last.


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