二 – JLPT N5 Vocabulary




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Learn all JLPT N5 Vocabulary – 二 (ni), two


Here is a list of examples based on the word

第二に、当時のヨーロッパの識字率が低かったことだ。Secondly, the literacy rate in Europe of that time was low.
アメリカは世界の1/4の二酸化炭素を排出しており、一人当たりの排出量も世界で最も多いのです。1/4 of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions are from America: its per-capita emissions are also the greatest in the world.
決めること決めちゃって、その後は二手に分かれるよ?Let’s decide what needs to be decided, then let’s split into two teams, OK?
彼は若いし、おまけに、二枚目だ。He is young and, what is more, handsome.
直径23m(下段)及び18m(上段)、高さ5mの二段式の円墳である。It is a two level style round burial mound, 23m diameter (lower level), 18m (higher).
しかもやたらと散歩好きで、真冬だというのに、こうして一日二回の散歩は欠かさずに要求してくる。Moreover, she liked walks so much that even in the middle of winter she would come like this to ask to go out twice a day without fail.
その時、二人の間に師弟を越えた友情のようなものが芽生えた事は言うまでもない。It goes without saying that at that time a kind of friendship beyond master and disciple grew between the two of them.
万次郎はこの二国をお互いに親しくするために一役果たしました。Manjiro played a part in making the two countries friends with each other.
あの二人、元に戻すつもりなんて更々ないみたいだし・・・。It seems they don’t have the slightest intention of restoring it.
彼女はせいぜい二流の歌手だ。She is a second-rate singer at best.
二輪車が倒れずに走行するのには前輪が大きな役割を演じています。The front wheel plays an important role in two-wheeled vehicles moving without falling over.


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