高い – JLPT N5 Vocabulary





    high, tall, expensive
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Learn all JLPT N5 Vocabulary – 高い (takai), high, tall, expensive


Here is a list of examples based on the word 高い

一戸建より共同住宅に住む世帯の増加率の方が高い。The rate of increase in households is higher for apartment houses than for individual houses.
MPEG-4AVC録画の実力テスト:使いやすさはもとより、画質・音質の実力も高い。MPEC-4 AVC recording practical test: It was always easy to use, now the picture and sound quality is high too.
審判はコートのかたわらにある高い椅子に座る。The umpire sits in a high chair at the side of the court.
できたらスケッチブックと4Bの鉛筆も買ってきておいてね。まだそんなに高い画材はいらないよ。If you can, get a sketchbook and a 4B pencil. You don’t need such expensive art materials yet.
「まあ、それでも君よりは、はるかに僕の方が点数高いけどね。」「なんですって!私が本気を出せば、あなたなんて、目じゃないわ!」“Well, even so my score is far above yours isn’t it?” “What did you say!? If I was to go all out you’d be as nothing to me!”
0.3のシャー芯って何であんなに高いのですか?Why are ‘0.3’ pencil leads so expensive?
いくら壁が高いといっても、私も最初はおっかなびっくりでしたよ。You’re right when you say how high the wall is; I was nervous at first, too.
彼は年齢の割には背が高い。He is a tall boy for his years.


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