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となると (to naru to/to nareba)

All JLPT 1 grammar : となると(となると, to naru to/to nareba), when it comes to ...; where ... is concerned
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思いきや (to omoikiya)

All JLPT 1 grammar : 思いきや(思いきや, to omoikiya), contrary to expectations; or so we thought, but ...
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とされる (to sareru)

All JLPT 1 grammar : とされる(とされる, to sareru), ... is considered to ...
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〇〇ようと〇〇まいと (-you to -mai to)

All JLPT 1 grammar : 〇〇ようと〇〇まいと(〇〇ようと〇〇まいと, -you to -mai to), without any consideration of neither A nor B
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わけがない (wake ga nai)

All JLPT 3 grammar : 訳がない(わけがない, wake ga nai), there is no way that ...
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〇〇のやら〇〇のやら (-no yara -no yara)

All JLPT 1 grammar : 〇〇のやら〇〇のやら(〇〇のやら〇〇のやら, -no yara -no yara), ones is not quite sure if a situation is close to A or B
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たところで (ta tokoro de)

All JLPT 1 grammar : たところで(たところで, ta tokoro de), even in the case ones do A .. (B could not possibly happen)
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たが最後 (taga saigo)

All JLPT 1 grammar : たが最後(たが最後, taga saigo), once ones starts A (, then he or she can not stop doing)
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〇〇たら〇〇たで (-tara -tade)

All JLPT 1 grammar : 〇〇たら〇〇たで(〇〇たら〇〇たで, -tara -tade), it is fine wether there is A or B, it does not matter if A or B, A and B happened and no one could do anything
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