Who slept way too much ?
It is りょう ! Please read the line「もうこんな時間じかんか!寝ね過すぎたなーーー」
What did ルイ do after waking up ?
He took a shower and studied Japanese after eating his breakfast ! Please read the line 「うん、朝あさご飯はんを食たべてから、シャワーを浴あびたり、日本語にほんごを少すこし勉強べんきょうしたりした。」
What did りょう and ルイ decided to eat for lunch ?
Chinese food ! Please read the lines 「りょう:イタリアンは昨日きのう食たべたから、ちょっと、、、 ルイ:そうかそうか、それじゃ、中華ちゅうか料理りょうりは? りょう:中華料理はいいね!」
What does "泊める(とめる)" mean ?
to host (someone) !
How りょう expressed his hunger ?
お腹すいた(おなかすいた)! It is actually the short version of "お腹がすいた"(おなかがすいた)
Podcast Quiz - ねね、昼ごはんどうする?
Your comprehension score : ninja
It is a very good start ! Let's try to review the words that were difficult. Writing them on some post-its for memorizing it could be a good way to get additional points next time 🙂 ! Also, please feel free to take a screenshot of your score and to post it on Instagram. If you mention us (@jlptmatome) we will share your results in our stories 🙂 !
Your comprehension score : expert
Very good ! すごいね! Please feel free to take a screenshot of your score and to post it on Instagram. If you mention us (@jlptmatome) we will share your results in our stories 🙂 !
Your comprehension score : sensei
Excellent ! えらいね! Please feel free to take a screenshot of your score and to post it on Instagram. If you mention us (@jlptmatome) we will share your results in our stories 🙂 !
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