Japanese slang vocabulary is not published in any book. It is hard for Japanese learners to come across these kind of casual words without coming to Japan.
Did you ever read or listen to Japanese slang ? Not yet ? No worries !
This article gathers more than 70 slang words in one place. You could use in (almost) every conversations. Yes, almost … As in any other language, slang words may be easily misunderstood. Let’s be careful :D.

I hope you enjoy this content !
Top 10 Japanese Slang Words in 2020
These are the words that are often used among the Japanese teenagers in first half of 2020.
日本語 | ひらがな | Romaji | Meaning |
○○しか勝たん | ○○しかかたん | ○○sika katan | Only ○○ Wins |
おうちカフェ | おうちかふぇ | Ouchi kafe | Coffee in home |
密です | みつです | Mitsu desu | It’s too close. |
おしゃピク | おしゃぴく | Osya Piku | Photogenic Picnic |
ぴえん超えてぱおん | ぴえんこえてぱおん | Pien koete Paon | Paon over Pien |
Disる | でぃする | Disu ru | Disrespect |
パリピ | ぱりぴ | Paripi | Party People |
ワンチャン | わんちゃん | Wanchan | One Chance |
すこ | すこ | Suko | I like it |
あたおか | あたおか | Ataoka | Crazy |
Actually, we hardly use these words normally, but it might be funny topics of lunch time chit-chat with your friends 🙂 !
Most Use Japanese Slang
日本語 | ひらがな | Romaji | Meaning |
やばい | やばい | Yabai | Amazing / Clap |
うざい | うざい | Uzai | Noisy |
きもい | きもい | Kimoi | Gross |
ムカつく | むかつく | Muka tsuku | Piss off |
おつ | おつ | Otsu | Well done |
最&高 | さいあんどこー | Sai and koo | Great |
ガチ | がち | Gachi | Really |
イケボ | いけぼ | Ikebo | Cool Voice |
それな | それな | Sorena | True |
イキる | いきる | Ikiru | Full of oneself |
すげー | すげー | Sugee | Amazing |
はずい | はずい | Hazui | Embarrassing |
り | り | Ri | Okay |
なう | なう | Nau | -ing |
かまちょ | かまちょ | Kamacho | Talk to me |
ググる | ぐぐる | Guguru | Google it |
ドンマイ | どんまい | Don-mai | It’s Okay / Don’t worry about it |
クソ | くそ | Kuso | Shit |
だるい | だるい | Darui | Feel dull (or heavy) was |
まじ | まじ | Maji | Really |
KY | けーわい | Ke-wai | Can’t read the atmosphere |
むずい | むずい | Muzui | Difficult |
パワーワード | ぱわーわーど | Pawaa-waado | Power Words |
リア充 | りあじゅう | Ria-juu | To be satisfied with one’s life |
超- | ちょう | Cho | Very |
ださい | ださい | Dasai | Lame |
びみょい | びみょい | Bimyoi | Kind of sucks |
推し | おし | Oshi | Great fan of |
○○みが深い | ○○みが深い | -Mi ga Fukai | I completely understand |
良き | よき | Yoki | Good |
エゴサ | えごさ | Egosa | Egoserching |
草生える | くさはえる | Kusa haeru | It’s funny |
神ってる | かみってる | Kamitteru | It’s best |
あーね | あーね | Aa-ne | I see |
じわる | じわる | Jiwaru | Creeps up on you |
秒で | びょうで | Bayou de | In soon |
エモい | えもい | Emoi | Emotional |
ま? | ま? | Ma? | Really? |
あざ | あざ | Aza | Thanks |
おけ | おけ | Oke | Okay |
映える | ばえる | Baeru | It’s Photogenically |
KP | けーぴー | Kee-pii | Cheers |
半端ない | はんぱない | Hanpa nai | Incredible |
無理 | むり | Muri | No way |
ずるい | ずるい | Zurui | Sly |
めっちゃ | めっちゃ | Mettya | Very |
ほんま | ほんま | Honma | Really |
ファボる | ふぁぼる | Faboru | Likes it |
誰得 | だれとく | Daretoku | Who’s care |
イケメン | いけめん | Ikemen | Handsome |
おしゃん | おしゃん | Osyan | Cool/Photogenical |
グロい | ぐろい | Guroi | Gross |
チャラい | ちゃらい | Charai | Flashy |
サイテー | さいてー | Saitee | Suck |
アゲ | あげ | Age | Lift me up |
あり | あり | Ari | Maybe yes |
めんどい | めんどい | Mendoi | Annoying |
わろた | わろた | Warota | It’s funny |
ちくしょう | ちくしょう | Chiku-shoo | Dammit |

Let’s try it ! If you are not sure of how to use some of these, please feel free to publish it in the comment part of this article and I will review it 🙂 !