101 | 薄れる | usureru | to fade; to become dim |
102 | 秩序 | chitsujo | order, regularity |
103 | 団結 | danketsu | unity; union; solidarity; combination; teaming up |
104 | 方策 | housaku | plan, policy |
105 | 譲歩 | jouho | concession, conciliation |
106 | 規模 | kibo | scale; scope; plan; structure |
107 | 危機 | kiki | crisis, danger, risk |
108 | 行為 | koui | act, deed, conduct |
109 | 極端 | kyokutan | extreme; extremity |
110 | 共感 | kyoukan | sympathy, empathy, response |
111 | 救済 | kyuusai | relief, aid, rescue |
112 | 齎す | motarasu | to bring, to take, to bring about |
113 | 世代 | sedai | generation, the world, the age |
114 | 選挙 | senkyo | election |
115 | 占領 | senryou | occupying, possession, capture |
116 | 侵略 | shinryaku | aggression, invasion |
117 | 所得 | shotoku | income, earnings |
118 | 昇進 | shoushin | promotion, advancement |
119 | 主導 | shudou | leadership, initiative, spearhead |
120 | 対処 | taisho | dealing with; coping with |
121 | 富む | tomu | to be rich in, to abound in |
122 | 追求 | tsuikyuu | pursuit |
123 | 闇 | yami | darkness, the dark |
124 | 養う | yashinau | to support; to maintain; to provide for; to bring up; to raise; to rear; to feed; to cultivate |
125 | 弁明 | benmei | explanation, excuse |
126 | 武装 | busou | arms, armament |
127 | 妥協 | dakyou | compromise, giving in |
128 | 相応しい | fusawashii | appropriate, adequate |
129 | 減少 | genshou | decrease, reduction, decline |
130 | 痛む | itamu | to hurt, to ache, to feel a pain |
131 | 迅速 | jinsoku | quick, fast, rapid, swift |
132 | 経費 | keihi | expenses; cost; outlay |
133 | 形成 | keisei | formation, molding, taking form |
134 | 最善 | saizen | the very best, utmost |
135 | 接触 | sesshoku | touch, contact |
136 | 装備 | soubi | equipment |
137 | 創造 | souzou | creation |
138 | 対応 | taiou | correspondence |
139 | 提供 | teikyou | offer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating |
140 | 突破 | toppa | breaking through, penetration |
141 | 討論 | touron | debate; discussion |
142 | 運命 | unmei | fate, destiny |
143 | 残酷 | zankoku | cruelty, harshness |
144 | 中断 | chuudan | interruption; suspension; break |
145 | 廃止 | haishi | abolition; repeal |
146 | 果たす | hatasu | to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out; to fulfill; to fulfil; to realize; to execute; to perform; to do |
147 | 発言 | hatsugen | statement; remark; observation; utterance; speech; proposal |
148 | 疲労 | hirou | fatigue, weariness |
149 | 痛める | itameru | to hurt; to injure; to cause pain; to harm; to damage; to spoil |
150 | 意図 | ito | intention; aim; design |