JLPT N1 – Vocabulary list

101薄れる usureruto fade; to become dim
102秩序 chitsujoorder, regularity
103団結 danketsuunity; union; solidarity; combination; teaming up
104方策 housakuplan, policy
105譲歩 jouhoconcession, conciliation
106規模 kiboscale; scope; plan; structure
107危機 kikicrisis, danger, risk
108行為 kouiact, deed, conduct
109極端 kyokutanextreme; extremity
110共感 kyoukansympathy, empathy, response
111救済 kyuusairelief, aid, rescue
112齎す motarasuto bring, to take, to bring about
113世代 sedaigeneration, the world, the age
114選挙 senkyoelection
115占領 senryouoccupying, possession, capture
116侵略 shinryakuaggression, invasion
117所得 shotokuincome, earnings
118昇進 shoushinpromotion, advancement
119主導 shudouleadership, initiative, spearhead
120対処 taishodealing with; coping with
121富む tomuto be rich in, to abound in
122追求 tsuikyuupursuit
123yamidarkness, the dark
124養う yashinauto support; to maintain; to provide for; to bring up; to raise; to rear; to feed; to cultivate
125弁明 benmeiexplanation, excuse
126武装 busouarms, armament
127妥協 dakyoucompromise, giving in
128相応しい fusawashiiappropriate, adequate
129減少 genshoudecrease, reduction, decline
130痛む itamuto hurt, to ache, to feel a pain
131迅速 jinsokuquick, fast, rapid, swift
132経費 keihiexpenses; cost; outlay
133形成 keiseiformation, molding, taking form
134最善 saizenthe very best, utmost
135接触 sesshokutouch, contact
136装備 soubiequipment
137創造 souzoucreation
138対応 taioucorrespondence
139提供 teikyouoffer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating
140突破 toppabreaking through, penetration
141討論 tourondebate; discussion
142運命 unmeifate, destiny
143残酷 zankokucruelty, harshness
144中断 chuudaninterruption; suspension; break
145廃止 haishiabolition; repeal
146果たす hatasuto accomplish; to achieve; to carry out; to fulfill; to fulfil; to realize; to execute; to perform; to do
147発言 hatsugenstatement; remark; observation; utterance; speech; proposal
148疲労 hiroufatigue, weariness
149痛める itameruto hurt; to injure; to cause pain; to harm; to damage; to spoil
150意図 itointention; aim; design
* indicates required