JLPT N1 – Vocabulary list

201近づく chikazukuto approach; to draw near; to get close; to get acquainted with; to get closer to; to get to know
202動機 doukimotive; incentive
203同盟 doumeialliance, union, league
204配慮 hairyoconsideration, concern, attention
205保険 hokeninsurance, guarantee
206移行 ikouswitching over to; migration; transition
207柔軟 juunanflexible; lithe; soft; pliable
208開発 kaihatsudevelopment; exploitation
209革命 kakumeirevolution
210警戒 keikaivigilance, caution, alertness
211固定 koteifixing
212悩み nayamitrouble; troubles; worry; distress; sorrows; anguish; agony; problem
213襲う osouto attack, to assail
214最悪 saiakuworst; horrible; horrid; awful; terrible
215説得 settokupersuasion
216転換 tenkanconversion; diversion; changeover; commutation; switchover
217天才 tenzaigenius; prodigy; natural gift
218前提 zenteicondition; assumption; prerequisite; hypothesis
219爆弾 bakudanbomb
220侮辱 bujokuinsult, affront, slight
221直感 chokkanintuition, instinct, hunch
222原則 gensokuprinciple; general rule
223苦しみ kurushimipain, anguish, suffering
224漏らす morasuto let leak, to reveal
225燃料 nenryoufuel
226憎しみ nikushimihatred
227設定 setteiestablishment; creation; posing
228証言 shougentestimony,
229証拠 shoukoevidence, proof
230詳細 shousaidetails; particulars; specifics; detailed; specific; minute
231到達 toutatsureaching; attaining; arrival
232抑制 yokuseicontrol, restraint, suppression
233圧倒 attouoverwhelm, overpower
234弁護 bengodefence, pleading, advocacy
235無礼 bureiimpolite, rude
236忠告 chuukokuadvice, warning
237同士 doushifellow, companion, comrade
238動揺 douyoushaking, trembling, disturbance
239合成 gouseicomposition, synthesis
240業務 gyoumubusiness, affairs, duties
241阻む habamuto keep someone from doing, to prevent
242hyouvote, ballot
243共産 kyousancommunism
244担う ninauto carry on shoulder, to bear
245浪費 rouhiwaste, extravagance
246指摘 shitekipointing out; identification
247阻止 soshiobstruction, check, hindrance
248衰退 suitaidecline, degeneration, decay
249好く sukuto like, to love
250点検 tenkeninspection; examination; checking
* indicates required