JLPT N1 – Vocabulary list

251統合 tougouintegration, unification, synthesis
252促す unagasuto urge; to encourage; to press; to prompt; to draw
253脱出 dasshutsuescape; break-out; prolapse; proptosis
254独占 dokusenmonopoly; monopolization; exclusivity; keeping to oneself
255度胸 dokyoucourage, bravery, nerve
256不可欠 fukaketsuindispensable; essential
257排除 haijoexclusion, removal, elimination
258閉鎖 heisaclosing, shutdown, lockout
259一部 ichibuone part, one portion
260権威 ken’iauthority, power, influence
261拒む kobamuto refuse, to reject, to decline
262脅威 kyouithreat, menace
263未知 michinot yet known, unknown
264満たす mitasuto satisfy
265理屈 rikutsutheory, reason
266資産 shisanproperty, fortune, assets
267訴訟 soshouliftigation, lawsuit
268要請 youseiappeal, request, demand
269有する yuusuruto own, to be endowed with
270賃金 chinginwages
271派遣 hakendispatch, despatch, deployment
272白状 hakujouconfession
273頻繁 hinpanfrequent, incessant
274緊急 kinkyuuurgent, pressing, emergency
275築く kizukuto build, to construct
276雇用 koyouemployment, hire
277口調 kuchoutone,
278拒否 kyohirefusal; rejection; denial; veto
279肉体 nikutaithe body, the flesh
280作戦 sakusentactics, strategy
281悟る satoruto perceive, to sense, to understand
282辛抱 shinboupatience, endurance
283真実 shinjitsutruth, reality
284手順 tejunprocess, procedure, sequence
285予感 yokanpresentiment; premonition; hunch
286要する you suruto need, to demand, to require
287弁解 benkaijustification, explanation
288微笑 bishousmile
289土台 dodaifoundation; base; basis
290演じる enjiruto perform
291発生 hasseioutbreak, spring forth, occurrence
292本能 honnouinstinct
293本心 honshintrue feelings
294株式 kabushikistock
295干渉 kanshouinterference, intervention, meddling
296関与 kanyoparticipation, taking part in
297携帯 keitaisomething carried
298誇張 kochouexaggeration
299公開 koukaiopening to the public; making available to the public; putting on display; exhibiting; showing
300正体 shoutaitrue character, true form
* indicates required