JLPT N2 – Vocabulary list

451遠回り toomawaridetour; roundabout way
452薄暗い usuguraidim; gloomy
453夜勤 yakinnight shift
454やむを得ない yamu o enaicannot be helped; unavoidable
455用品 youhinarticles; supplies; parts
456図表 zuhyouchart; diagram; graph; figure
457愛着 aichakuattachment; love; covetous affection
458愛らしい airashiipretty; charming; lovely; adorable
459悪条件 akujoukenunfavorable conditions; unfavourable conditions
460焦る aseruto be in a hurry; to be impatient; to be flustered; to lose one’;s presence of mind; to be surprised
461文系 bunkeihumanities, social sciences, and fine arts; liberal arts
462中旬 chuujunmiddle of a month; second third of a month; 11th to 20th day of a month
463駐輪所 chuurinjobicycle parking place
464だらし無い darashinaislovenly
465不十分 fujuubuninsufficient; inadequate; imperfect; shortage
466膨らます fukuramasuto swell; to expand; to inflate; to bulge
467概要 gaiyououtline; summary; overview; abridgment; synopsis
468流行り hayarifashion; fad; vogue; craze
469保育園 hoikuennursery school; day nursery; preschool
470歩行 hokouwalk
471移転 itenmoving; relocation; change of address; transfer
472人材 jinzaicapable person; talented person; human resources; personnel
473実質 jisshitsusubstance; essence; real
474辞退 jitaideclining; refusal; nonacceptance; turning down; withdrawal
475開放感 kaihoukansense of space; spaciousness
476格別 kakubetsuparticular; special; exceptional; especial
477毛糸 keitoknitting wool; woollen yarn
478期日 kijitsufixed date; settlement date
479勤務 kinmuservice; duty; work
480この度 konotabithis occasion; at this time; now
481子育て kosodatechild rearing; child raising; raising children; parenting
482事柄 kotogaramatter; thing; affair; circumstance
483公演 kouenpublic performance
484好感 koukangood feeling; good will; favourable impression; favorable impression
485曲線 kyokusencurve
486町並み machinamitownscape; street
487巻き込む makikomuto roll up; to enfold; to swallow up; to involve; to drag into
488道案内 michiannaiguidance; showing the way; guide; guidepost; signpost; waymark
489潜る moguruto dive
490模型 mokeimodel; dummy; maquette
491値引き nebikiprice reduction; discount
492荷造り nizukuripacking; baling; crating
493臆病 okubyoucowardly; timid; easily frightened
494親子 oyakoparent and child
495楽観 rakkanoptimism; taking an optimistic view
497労働力 roudouryokulabor; manpower; working force
498刺す sasuto pierce; to stab; to prick; to stick; to thrust; to sting; to bite
499狭める sebameruto narrow; to reduce; to contract
500成分 seibuningredient; component; composition
* indicates required