JLPT N2 – Vocabulary list

101kakaricharge; duty; person in charge; official; clerk
102観光地 kankouchitourist attraction; sight-seeing area
103簡略化 kanryakukasimplification
104経費 keihiexpenses; cost; outlay
105謙遜 kensonmodesty; humility; being humble
106決勝 kesshoudecision of a contest; finals
107気軽 kigarucarefree; buoyant; lighthearted; sprightly
108聞き手 kikitehearer; listener; audience; interviewer; questioner
109帰省 kiseihomecoming; returning home
110個別 kobetsuparticular case; discrete; individual; separate
111細やか komayakatender; warm; caring; thoughtful; meticulous; detailed; attentive
112根性 konjouwillpower; guts; determination; grit; spirit; character; nature; disposition; personality
113光線 kousenbeam; light ray
114空間 kuukanspace; room; airspace
115空想 kuusoudaydream; fantasy; fancy; vision
116協会 kyoukaiassociation; society; organization; organisation
117名門 meimonnoted family; noble family; prestigious school, organization, business, etc.
118盛り上がる moriagaruto swell; to rise; to bulge; to be piled up; to rouse; to get excited
119無条件 mujoukenunconditional
120根っこ nekkoroot
121根強い nezuyoifirmly rooted; deep-seated
122濃厚 noukorich
123思いつく omoitsukuto think of; to hit upon; to come into one’;s mind; to be struck with an idea; to remember; to recall
124来年度 rainendonext year; next fiscal year
125臨時 rinjitemporary; provisional; interim; special; extraordinary; extra
126利点 ritenadvantage; point in favor
127論戦 ronsenverbal dispute
128了承 ryoushouacknowledgement; acknowledgment; understanding
129最小限 saishougenminimum; lowest
130最低限 saiteigenminimum; at the very least
131先々 sakizakidistant future; inevitable future; places one goes to
132早速 sassokuat once; immediately; without delay; promptly
133清掃 seisoucleaning; clean-up; garbage collection; scavenging
134選出 senshutsuelection; selection; choice
135背負う seouto carry on one’;s back; to be burdened with; to take responsibility for
136信頼性 shinraiseicredibility; authenticity; confidence; reliability
137出版社 shuppanshapublisher; publishing house; publishing company
138出発点 shuppatsutenstarting point; point of departure
139出社 shusshagoing to work
140相応 souousuitable; appropriate; befitting; becoming; adequate; reasonable; proper
141相対的 soutaitekirelative
142水平 suiheihorizontal; level; even
143吸い取る suitoruto absorb; to squeeze
144対戦 taisenwaging war; competition
145多量 taryoularge quantity; large amount
146立て替える tatekaeruto pay for another; to pay someone else’;s debt as a loan to him; to make temporary payment on a person’;s behalf
147統計 toukeistatistics
148到達 toutatsureaching; attaining; arrival
149潰す tsubusuto smash; to crush; to flatten; to kill
150通知 tsuuchinotice; notification; report; posting
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