JLPT N2 – Vocabulary list

151内側 uchigawainside; interior; inner part
152和食 washokuJapanese food; Japanese-style meal; Japanese cuisine
153残業代 zangyoudaiovertime pay; overtime money; overtime payment
154税関 zeikancustoms; customs house
155続々 zokuzokusuccessively; one after another
156慌ただしい awatadashiibusy; hurried; confused; flurried
157道中 douchuuduring the journey; on the way; while travelling
158fukuassistant; associate; vice-; sub-; deputy
159gai… street; … quarter; … district
160学歴 gakurekiacademic background
161発散 hassanemission; emanation; radiation; diffusion; dispersion; letting out
162平凡 heibonordinary; common; commonplace; mediocre; unremarkable; undistinguished; uneventful
163補助 hojoassistance; support; aid; help; subsidy; supplement; subvention; grant-in-aid
164自己 jikoself; oneself
165序列 joretsurank; ranking order; hierarchy
166上半身 jouhanshinupper half of
167叶う kanauto come true
168歌詞 kashisong lyrics; words of a song; libretto
169軽減 keigenabatement; reduction
170機器 kikidevice; equipment; machinery; apparatus
171聞き取る kikitoruto catch
172拘る kodawaruto fuss over; to be particular about
173後半 kouhansecond half; latter half
174好悪 kouolikes and dislikes
175小遣い kozukaipocket money; spending money; pin money; allowance
176拒否 kyohirefusal; rejection; denial; veto
177共有 kyouyuujoint ownership; co-ownership; sharing
178旧  kyuuex-; former; old
179恵む megumuto bless; to show mercy to; to give
180名物 meibutsufamous product; special product; speciality; specialty
181満たす mitasuto satisfy
182模範 mohanexemplar; model; example; pattern
183傾らか nadarakagently sloping; gentle; easy; smooth
184認識 ninshikirecognition; awareness; perception; understanding; knowledge; cognition; cognizance; cognisance
185驚き odorokisurprise; astonishment; wonder; amazement
186お得 otokueconomical; bargain; good value; good-value
187来日 rainichiarrival in Japan; coming to Japan; visit to Japan
188来場 raijouattendance
189立食 risshokustand-up meal; buffet
190催促 saisokupressing; urging; demanding; demand
191妨げる samatageruto disturb; to prevent; to obstruct; to hinder
192撮影 satsueiphotography
193設計図 sekkeizuplan; blueprint
194洗剤 senzaidetergent; cleanser; cleaning agent; washing material
195設定 setteiestablishment; creation; posing
196志願者 shiganshaapplicant; candidate
197shovarious; many; several
198食費 shokuhifood expense
199食生活 shokuseikatsueating habits
200周辺 shuuhencircumference; outskirts; environs; around; in the area of; in the vicinity of
* indicates required