JLPT N3 – Vocabulary list

101owarithe end
102ryouquantity, amount
103流行 ryuukoufashion, vogue
104最低 saiteileast, lowest, worst
105作物 sakumotsuproduce, crops
106様々 samazamavaried, various
107石油 sekiyuoil, petroleum
108始発 shihatsufirst train, first bus
109知らせ shirasenews, notice
110失業 shitsugyouunemployment
111食糧 shokuryouprovisions, food supply
112承知 shouchiknowledge, awareness
113手術 shujutsusurgical operation
114宗教 shuukyoureligion
115態度 taidoattitude, manner
116逮捕 taihoarrest, apprehension
117大量 tairyoularge quantity, mass
118滞在 taizaistaying, sojourn
119taneseed, kind, variety
120叩く tatakuto strike, to beat
121抵抗 teikouresistance, opposition
122適する teki suruto fit, to suit
123付合い tsukiaiassociation, socializing
124詰める tsumeruto stuff into, to jam
125奪う ubauto snatch away
126生まれ umarebirth, birthplace
127訴える uttaeruto appeal, to sue
128waring, circle, loop
129山登り yamanoborimountain climbing
130読み yomireading
131baplace, spot, scene
132便 binmail, post, flight
133物質 busshitsumaterial, substance
134平等 byoudouequality, evenness
135地区 chikudistrict, section, sector
136栄養 eiyounutrition, nourishment
137普段 fudanusual, habitual
138不自由 fujiyuudiscomfort, inconvenience
139不思議 fushigiwonder, miracle, strange
140学問 gakumonlearning, study
141hadakanaked, nude
142派手 hadeshowy, flashy
143掃く hakuto sweep, to brush
144hicost, expense
145保証 hoshouguarantee, security
146居眠り inemurinodding off, dozing
147飲食 inshokufood and drink, eating and drinking
148人種 jinshurace
149事態 jitaisituation
150自宅 jitakuone’;s home, one’;s house
* indicates required