JLPT N3 – Vocabulary list

151状況 joukyoustate of affairs
152会合 kaigoumeeting, assembly
153快適 kaitekipleasant, comfortable
154加減 kagenadjustment, degree, extent
155限る kagiruto restrict, to limit
156感情 kanjouemotion, feeling
157彼ら karerathey
158刑事 kejipolice detective, criminal matter
159基礎 kisofoundation, basis
160克服 kokufukuconquest, overcoming
161組む kumuto link, to put together
162教授 kyoujuprofessor
163休暇 kyuukaholiday, day off
164回り mawarirotation
165命じる meijiruto order, to command
166mifruit, nut
167naostraight, ordinary, common
168日常 nichijouordinary, everyday
169入力 nyuuryokuinput,
170obiobi, kimono sash
171穏やか odayakacalm, gentle, quiet
172大いに ooi nivery, much, greatly
173劣る otoruto be inferior to
174お互い otagaimutual
175立派 rippasplendid, fine
176論文 ronbunthesis, essay
177作法 sahoumanners, etiquette
178作曲 sakkyokucomposition
179覚める sameruto wake up
180さっぱり sapparifeeling refreshed
181更に sara nifurthermore, again
183seitrue, regular
184所為 seiconsequence, result, blame
185性格 seikakucharacter, personality
186慎重 shinchoucareful, cautious, prudent
187新入生 shinnyuuseinew student, freshman
188支店 shitenbranch office
189市役所 shiyakushomunicipal office, city hall
190終了 shuuryouend, close, termination
191勧める susumeruto recommend
192度々 tabitabioften, again and again
193通り tooriavenue, street
194取れる toreruto come off, to be removed
195到着 touchakuarrival
196疲れ tsukaretiredness, fatigue
197唸る unaruto groan, to moan
198撃つ utsuto shoot, to attack
199余分 yobunextra, excess
200郵便 yuubinmail service
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