JLPT N3 – Vocabulary list

301守る mamoruto protect, to guard
302見舞い mimaivisiting ill or distressed people
303戻す modosuto put back, to give back
304無駄 mudafutility, uselessness
305向く mukuto face, to turn toward
306にっこり nikkorismile, grin
307大雪 ooyukiheavy snow
308幼い osanaivery young, childish
309汚染 osenpollution, contamination
310retsuqueue, line
311成人 seijinadult
312正確 seikakuaccurate, punctual
313成績 seisekiresults, grade
314締める shimeruto tie, to fasten, to tighten
315進歩 shinpoprogress, advance
316親戚 shinsekirelative, relation
317収穫 shuukakuharvest, crop
318鋭い surudoisharp, pointed
319立て直す tatenaosuto restore, to revive
320手品 tejinasleight of hand, magic
321tekiopponent, rival
322包み tsutsumibundle, package, parcel
323通じる tsuujiruto lead to, to be understood
324破る yaburuto tear, to break
325友好 yuukoufriendship
326優秀 yuushuusuperiority, excellence
327是非 zehicertainly, without fail
328前者 zenshathe former
329表す arawasuto represent, to show, to display
330莫大 bakudaienormous, vast
331父親 chichioyafather
332中学 chuugakumiddle school
333道徳 doutokumorals
334夫婦 fuufumarried couple, spouses
335gunarmy, troop
336発達 hattatsudevelopment, growth
337冷える hieruto grow cold, to get chilly
338悲劇 higekitragedy
339昼寝 hirunenap
341方法 houhoumethod, way, manner
342宝石 housekigem, jewel
343一体 ittaiwhat on earth…
344人工 jinkouartificial, man-made
345kamiperson of high rank, government
346感じ kanjifeeling, sense
347感心 kanshinadmiration
348管理 kanricontrol, management
349建築 kenchikuconstruction, architecture
350検討 kentouconsideration, examination
* indicates required