JLPT N4 – Vocabulary list

51発音 hatsuonpronunciation
52以上 ijounot less than, beyond
53科学 kagakuscience
54海岸 kaigancoast, beach
55代わり kawarisubstitute, replacement
56変わる kawaruto change, to be transformed
57飾る kazaruto decorate, to ornament
58研究室 kenkyuushitsulaboratory
59kispirit, mind, heart
60規則 kisokurule, regulation
61込む komuto be crowded, to be packed
62これから kore karaafter this
63教会 kyoukaichurch
64召し上がる meshiagaruto eat, to drink
65珍しい mezurashiiunusual, rare, curious
66直る naoruto get mended
67下げる sageruto hang, to lower
68出発 shuppatsudeparture
69相談 soudanconsultation, discussion
70倒れる taoreruto fall, to collapse
72運転手 untenshudriver, chauffeur
73焼く yakuto burn, to roast, to bake
74びっくり bikkurito be surprised
75原因 gen’incause, origin, source
76ご主人 goshujinyour husband
77開く hirakuto open, to undo
78一杯 ippaifull, a lot
79ishistone, gem, jewel
80悲しい kanashiisad, sorrowful
81考える kangaeruto think about
82経験 keikenexperience
83講義 kougilecture
84残る nokoruto remain, to be left
85失敗 shippaifailure, mistake, blunder
86紹介 shoukaiintroduction, presentation
87それほど sore hodoto that degree
88すっかり sukkariall, completely, totally
89たまに tama nioccasionally, once in a while
90確か tashikasure, certain, positive
91訪ねる tazuneruto visit, to call on
92役に立つ yaku ni tatsuto be helpful, to be useful
93美術館 bijutsukanart gallery, art museum
94ぶどう budougrape
95大体 daitaigeneral, substantially
96踏む fumuto step on, to tread on
97医学 igakumedical science, medicine
98工場 koujoufactory, plant, mill
99もちろん mochironof course, certainly
100向かう mukauto face, to go towards
* indicates required